Monday, December 17, 2007

Mockumentary . . .Grading Criteria

Of course it would depend largely upon the specific assignment (podcast, video, newspaper), but the over-arching criteria that I would evaluate my students' performance on are:

-What is the message?
-Does the piece succeed as a parody (or is it just mocking for mocking sake)?
-Does the student successively employ 'documentary style' (loosely scripted dialog, hand-held camera shots, authoratative manner)?
-Does the student examine the subject matter critically?
-After project completion, does the student reflect on the creative process?

I would want to be flexible and grade more specific criteria on a project-by-project basis.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Chris- I loved your presentation! Thanks for the information and entertainment. Have a nice break. See you in January, if not over break!